74. The unexpected truth about languages in America

Ellis Island in New York’s harbor was the first stop in America for more than 12 million immigrants between 1892 and 1954. Image Source: https://www.loc.gov/resource/cph.3g05584/
The United States leads the world in bilingualism.
No kidding.
Because of this, no country understands the world as well as the United States.
Ah, you may be thinking, there must be a catch. No catch—just a different way to understand the uncontested data that’s been accumulating for decades.
So…how did we get here, and how might we use this newly unveiled status to the betterment of the country?
In this episode, America the Bilingual founder Steve Leveen takes you through the history, context and science that have led him to this realization of America’s leadership role in bilingualism. Whether or not you’re bilingual, you’ll want to hear this good news for America.
Then, be sure to join in the first America the Bilingual quiz, which takes deeper dives into this new way to look at America in the world. Here’s the link: https://www.americathebilingual.com/quizzes/.
Hear the episode on Apple Podcasts here: America the Bilingual by Steve Leveen; on Spotify; or wherever you tune in to your podcasts.
Download and enjoy the transcript.
Head to our Quizzery page to find the quiz that Steve invites you to take.
Like our podcast? Be an ambassador for American Bilingualism! Please share this episode, transcript and quiz wherever you socialize, or be a reviewer on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. You’ll be part of a blossoming bilingual America, where English unites us and our other languages strengthen us.
Thanks to our America the Bilingual team: Mim Harrison, editorial and brand director, an early advocate of quizzes as a way to enliven ideas; Fernando Hernandez Becerra, who produced this episode from his studio in Guadalajara, Mexico, Esto No Es Radio; Alli Torban, who designed the data visuals in the quiz; and Jen Cavagnaro at Daruma Tech, who manages our website.
Music credits:
Monplaisir: Be a good punk; Freesound Glass & Ceramic category: Anthousai, 23cm glass bowl – tone – cloth mallet 02.wav , Creative Commons license; Kevin MacLeod, Quasi Motion; Monplaisir: Garage; Freesound: Stomachache: Take me Out to the Ball Game, Creative Commons license. Freesound: Nikitralala, korea_baseball.flac, Creative Commons license; Freesound: Tylermyers1992 – MLB Crowd Cheer – 09032022.wav, Creative Commons license; The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps, United State National Anthem (The Star Spangled Banner); The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps, Reveille Variation/Drum Call/Slow Scotch/Quick Scotch/Yankee Doodle/Mont…..,Komiku: De l’herbe sous les pieds, In the restaurant, Beach, Where you hear the prayer (McGuffin theme), Everything is groovy (how to move your body), The road we use to travel when we were kids.
Meet the entire America the Bilingual team—including our bark-lingual mascot, Chet—here.
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